Classroom and Lab Support SLA
version 1.0 07.2024
This service level agreement defines technical support services provided by ETS on behalf of our Partners for Supported Spaces over the Service Term. Services not covered by this agreement fall outside the scope of support. Partners may adjust these responsibilities through a separate MOU.
- ETS: Engineering Technical Services, or service provider
- Partner: Department, school, or business unit receiving support services
- Supported Space: Classroom or instructional laboratory where support takes place
- Service Term: One fiscal year, spanning July 1 to June 30
- MOU: Memorandum of Understanding; a separate document that defines unique circumstances not covered in this SLA
Amendment Process
Amendments to this agreement require a separate MOU, with director approval from ETS and Partner.
Termination Process
Either party may terminate this agreement by providing written notification to the other party ninety (90) days in advance of termination.
ETS Provides
Computer Hardware Support
- Recommend computer hardware based on expected need
- Identify optimal physical placement and configuration of hardware
- Recommend security devices to protect hardware (locks, cables, etc.)
Setup and Installation
- Unbox and install new hardware at physical location
- Install security devices, where requested
Troubleshooting, Repair, and Support
- Assurance of equipment functionality, checked frequently throughout the Service Term
- Provide on-site support for reported equipment failure
- Perform initial troubleshooting of reported hardware failure, when necessary; facilitate further repair or replacement of computer equipment
- Inform Partner that warranty support for computer equipment is expiring
- Consult and recommend hardware refresh or warranty renewal for computer equipment
Asset Management
- Acquire and mount ASU Property Control Number (PCN) tag on computer equipment
- Update Asset Management system with updates or new PCN
Operating System Support
Deployment and Configuration
- Deploy Windows, MacOS, and Linux (RedHat, Ubuntu) common images
- Maintain and configure OS delivery technologies:
System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), JAMF, Satellite, and Landscape - Configure and apply Group Policy settings relevant to OS deployment
- Apply security patches and updates for Windows, MacOS, and Linux (RedHat, Ubuntu)
- Test new Operating Systems and upgrades to existing Operating Systems prior to roll-out
- Test patches and updates prior to roll-out
- Report concerning test results and consult with Partner prior to roll-out
Software Support
Requests, Packaging, Installation and Deployment
- Maintain and update ETS Software Request Form
- Troubleshoot software issues on an ongoing basis
- Install software within 2 weeks from the requested date, unless otherwise communicated
- Inventory software information by name, location, and version number
License Management
- Manage license for various software using Engineering License Management Server Infrastructure
- Follow FSE Software Renewal process ensuring software is kept licensed as needed
User Integration
- Ensure software functions properly with ASURITE user accounts configured as a non-administrative user
Audio/Visual Support
- Support standard audio/visual (A/V) equipment, including Projection Units, Televisions, and other related components
- Assist faculty with use of A/V Equipment
- Check A/V Equipment frequently throughout the Service Term to assure continued functionality
- Provide basic on-site support, troubleshooting, and facilitate repairs with manufacturer
- Inform Partner when A/V Equipment manufacturer warranty is expiring
- Consult and recommend refresh of hardware or warranty renewal
General Maintenance
- Perform equipment checks 2 weeks prior to the start of each semester (Fall, Spring)
- Ensure A/V equipment is in working order
- Test instructor PC and a random sample of student computers
- Check general tidiness of room including chair order, keyboards, mice, cabling
- Check functionality of remotes, including batteries
- Check for any facility issues including functional air conditioning
- Report issues to Partner
Incident and Problem Management
- Receive and respond to Incidents and Requests in a timely manner (see table: Response Time Agreement)
Partner Expectations
- Report incidents, requests, and service disruptions directly to ETS (see Contact ETS section)
- Adhere to ASU security process identified in the agreement
- Provide performance and process feedback in a timely manner
- Purchase, Acquire, and Dispose of classroom and lab technical hardware
- Budget for capital replacement of systems every 3-5 years
- Remove any system that is not covered under a manufacturer warranty (typically 3-5 years)
- Respond to ETS in a timely manner after initializing a service-related incident or request
- Identify at least one point of contact who can respond to questions about Supported Spaces
- Identify Supported Spaces covered by this agreement, and notify ETS of changes within 30 days
- Document exceptions and service level amendments through a separate MOU
Contact ETS
- Online (ServiceNow request): Create ServiceNow ticket
- Phone (support line): 480.965.2336
- Email (student support): [email protected]
- Business Hours: Weekdays 8AM to 5PM, except during ASU holidays and academic break periods
- After Hours Support: Phone calls automatically forward to the ASU Help Center for best effort support
Response Times
Severity | Description | ETS Initial Response | ETS Target Resolution |
High | Critical. Computer or essential software completely unusable | 30 minutes | 1 hour* |
Medium | Slowness, intermittent usability, non-essential functionality unavailable | 1 hour | 1 business day* |
Low | Intermittent functionality unavailable with workaround employed | 4 hours | 7 business days* |
Request | Update or change lab, classroom, or equipment | 4 hours | 10 business days* |
*During Business Hours. If the complexity of the resolution warrants a delay, Partner will be informed of the additional effort required and an anticipated completion date will be communicated.
All incidents and requests should be reported using the ETS contact information. Upon receipt, ETS will determine request severity and communicate this to the Partner. ETS will provide email updates to Partner until the incident is resolved.