Student-Centered Learning
Student-Focused Projects
Student-focused proposals, such as scholarship or fellowship programs, require a significant amount of administrative effort on behalf of the Principal Investigator (PI), including several planning and coordinating meetings with relevant stakeholders such as ASA, FSE Data, Research Services, Financial Aid, and PI’s School Director.
Examples of relevant programs include; NSF S-STEM, NSF NRT, NSF REUs, NASA Fellowships
PIs must meet with ASA prior to proposal submission to review project alignment with solicitation requirements and to discuss overall proposed management of the project, specifically how student applications will be received, reviewed, and awarded as well as student eligibility confirmed throughout the life of the award.
PIs are reminded that sponsor awards are made to the university. As such, university resources such as the assigned Post-Award RA, FSE Dean’s Office, and ASA will provide additional oversight to ensure PI remains compliant with sponsor expectations.
If you have questions, please contact your school’s Research Administrator.
Participant Support
Participant Support Costs are payments to individuals for training through a workshop, conference, seminar or other short term instructional or information sharing activity funded by a sponsored award.
The following link expands upon Participant Support Costs and FAQ associated to the subject: Participant Support Cost.
If you have questions, please contact your school’s Research Administrator.
NSF Research Experiences for Undergrads (REU) Supplements
Research Experiences for Undergraduate Students (REU), a program of the National Science Foundation (NSF), is a source of additional funding that can be added to a new or existing NSF proposal to boost active research involvement and provide meaningful research experiences for undergraduate students.
If you have questions, please contact your school’s Research Administrator.
Fellowships are grants that support the educational experience of the recipient. Fellowships may be research related or non-research activities. These funds are not considered compensation for performance. The purposes of a fellowship are to enhance the academic experience and career growth. The following link expands upon Sponsored Fellowships.
If you have questions, please contact your school’s Research Administrator.