Privileged Use Policy

The ASU Information Security Policy establishes guidelines and standards for the preservation of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of University information resources. To assist in managing and complying with these guidelines, faculty and staff have access to the Elevate Admin tool for temporarily granting administrative access when needed. Learn more about the Elevate Admin tool here. For additional information: ASU Information Security Policy.

All operating systems and databases have privileged accounts, frequently called “administrator,” “service,” or “root” accounts. These accounts may be used to run specific services or processes on a given system. These types of accounts normally have elevated privileges whereby it can modify the system’s operation, authentication methods, access controls, logs, and the privileges of other accounts.

Users on ASU owned systems should be logged into their regular accounts and not their privileged accounts on a day to day basis.

If you are a user who is needing an exception from the policy for a specific system, contact your IT Manager.

Account Usage for Privileged Use include:

Account Usage NOT for Privilege Use Include: