Requesting Software

Requesting Software

If you do not see the software you are looking for in Software Center, you can put in a request for software.

Go to and fill out the form (example shown below):

A screenshot of a service request form. There is a grey bar at the top with the text, "Service Catalog > Departmental Catalogs > Fulton Schools of Engineering (FSE) > Classroom Support (FSE)". 
Below is a title, "Request classroom support". 
Following the title are various fields in which to enter information:
A text field titled "*Requested for", inside the field reads, "ASURite credentials of the requestor". A text field titled "*Contact phone number", inside the field reads, "Put in your contact phone number (office or cell)" in red. A text field titled "Email address", inside the field reads, "ASU email address of the requestor" in red. A check box with accompanying text, "Requesting software for a classroom?". A text field with drop-down titled "*Classroom", inside the field reads, "--None--", and "(what classroom is this for?)" in red. A text field with drop-down titled "*Operating System", inside the field reads, "--None--", and "(which operating system, Windows, MAC, or Linux?)" in red. A text field titled "Property Control Number (PCN)", inside the field reads, "This is the "white tagged" 8-digit ASU property control number sticker on the computer" in red, below the text field reads "Note: Unless this is for a whole classroom then you can disregard". A text field titled "*Details", below the title is a triangle with accompanying text "More information", inside the field reads, "Please provide a "detailed" description of the software request; software publisher, software title, software version, licensing, purchase information, etc. Include why this software is being requested and what it will be used for." in red.