
ORIO Services

The Office of Research Integrity and Assurance (ORIA) provides resources to researchers to ensure research meets ethical, safety, and compliance standards for all applicable regulations and policies.

The following committees are referenced for institutional compliance:

For more information about ORIA visit ASU’s ORIA home page. For general questions and assistance, please email [email protected] or contact your school’s Research Administrator.


Environmental Health and Safety provide biosafety/biosecurity, EHS training, environmental health, laboratory safety, loss prevention and occupational health services to all ASU campuses. More information regarding health and safety compliance can be found on the Environmental Health and Safety page.


ASU Research Enterprise (ASURE) partners with ASU, government agencies and industry to ensure that the solutions ASU develops can be implemented rapidly for significant impact. For researchers actively conducting research with the United States government or Department of Defense, ASURE can provide contracting services, initiate and manage personnel clearances, and provide storage for Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). ASURE has a partnership with AZ Labs, a research facility formerly occupied by the AFRL that is available for cybersecurity and other sensitive research projects that is located at the ASU Polytechnic campus.